This series was designed using readily available material, in a simple yet smart way that bent the typically strict rules of design.Starting off as an experiment and a reaction to the traditionally thorough and precise methodology of design development, the designers decided to work spontaneously by relying on their experience and subconscious.
Their approach was limited to one simple question: what can be constructed by using only readily available material? After several visits to DIY stores, chd chose a number of wooden rods and posts that were used to create the ‘36’ coat tree.
Next, they produced the side-tables of the series simply by dividing the vertical elements of the coat tree by two, setting their height as to ensure maximum stability for three legs. In a similar manner, the designers created the kitchen tables’ base by turning the upper body of the coat tree upside down.
36 was designed for Shibui, a homeware and accessories company based in Switzerland, created by award-winning Greek designers Constantinos Hoursoglou and Athanasios Babalis.