Christina Brampti
Christina Brampti was born in Athens in 1974. She studied Graphic Arts and then Décor at the VAKALO Art & Design College, Greece’s first school of applied arts. She received her first jewellery-making lessons from the sculptor Janine Baet. She began her career in 1995 working as an interior designer with various architectural firms which designed, built and decorated business premises and private residences. She then got into set designs for advertising spots, working as an assistant set designer. In 2000 she began to design her own hand-made jewellery and in 2002 joined the design team of a well-known company in the sector. That was followed in the summer of 2004 by her own independent business specialised in designing and making hand-made jewellery, which she continues to successfully run today. Christina Brampti participates widely in international exhibitions and fairs. She showcased her work in a group exhibition at the Ilias Lalaounis Jewellery Museum (Athens) in February 2004. Pieces by her have also been displayed at ARTCODIF/Musée des arts décoratifs in Paris, at the Picasso Muséum in Barcelona, and at Roubaix/Musée d’art et d’industrie, Palais des Beaux Arts. Pieces by Christina form part of the permanent collection of jewellery on sale at the Benaki Museum shop in Athens.
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