Alexandros Vasmoulakis
Alexandros Vasmoulakis is an artist, based in Athens. He studied painting in the Athens School of Fine Arts, and his work is divided into three main categories: large-scaled outdoor murals, studio painting and installations.
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The Eaters and the Eaten – Alexandros Vasmoulakis
…the uncanny is that species of the frightening that goes back to what was once well known and had long been familiar.1 Sigmund Freud, “The Uncanny”
My eyes are seeing you by Alexandros Vasmoulakis
In Alexandros Vasmoulakis’ work, pompous theatrical figures dance in the rhythm of a hubbub to unravel the promiscuous narrative that is unfettered by the laws of reason.
The unique murals of Alexandros Vasmoulakis
Alexandros Vasmoulakis is an artist from Athens, known for his unique-style murals on large buildings. His main purpose for every piece he creates is to communicate.