Moth Collective is a multi-award winning animation studio formed by Greek illustrator and animator Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits along with Daniel Chester and Dave Prosser. After graduating from Royal College of Art in London in 2010, they formed as a collective to share their passion for “all things drawn”. Interests in poetic, political and environmental animation quickly led to commissions from the WWF and animated segments for a feature length documentary film, Maidentrip (2013). Following this, Moth produced sensitive and thought provoking short films for other organizations such as the NSPCC, HIAS and the forest think-tank Global Canopy Programme. It is now a full-time animation studio acclaimed for their hand-drawn and 2D animation. Commercially, they have produced work for clients such as The New York Times, Kiehl’s, RayBan and Ninja Tune. Their projects have been screened and awarded in festivals worldwide, including a BAFTA nomination for ‘Matter Fisher’ in 2011, a British Animation award for ‘HIAS: For the Refugee’ in 2016 and a D&AD Award for their New York Times piece ‘Modern Love: A Kiss, Deferred’ in 2016. They are also part of a worldwide collective of animators, The Late Night Work Club, currently working on its second anthology of short films.
The poetic animations of Moth Collective
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