‘Littles’ an interactive and hospitable educational center, which functions as a white canvas, encouraging children to develop their creative skills and talents both indoors and outdoors. With an emphasis on eco-friendly materials, all structures have been designed to aid the pedagogical process and stimulate the children’s’ activities. Right after the entrance, the interior and furniture are brought to a smaller scale, adapting to the kids’ needs. A linear bench at the side of the entrance provides rolling drawers for storing toys, while at the end of the hallway a small theatre hosts performances, discussions and games. The children’s artworks are showcased on the corkboards and metal panels of the classroom walls and are hung from the ceiling hammock of the art studio. The courtyard features a specially designed house tree and the ‘Littles’ Valley’, an area where children can make their own constructions out in the open, surrounded by trees and natural vegetation.
Littles by VOIS Architects