“One can find the most “titanic” creative opportunities within a limited space”, says the Athens-based Studiomateriality team. Titanas, a Greek traditional ‘kafenio’, has just opened its doors in the city of Athens. With interior design working as a fascinating time machine, the coffee shop was designed to evoke memories of old, tiny, intimate, and cozy coffee shops. Featuring a 1983 Memphis Ceiling light, a Lego replica of the Titanic made from 9000 pieces, a hand-drawn old Greek advert, and a framed modern scarf created by Klelia Andrali, the design balances between the present and the past. Comfy camping table seats, an open and accessible kitchen, large windows, and vintage signage pay tribute to the space’s original identity with a contemporary approach. “Titanas is the café next door”, says the team, as the space is filled with a homely feeling of intimacy and comfort.