Nestled in the heart of a historically rich neighborhood in Leiden, this family home extension by Mikkro Architecture Studio reimagines modern living while respecting its surroundings. Designed for an international couple and their two children, the project balances functionality, style, and historical sensitivity. The existing kitchen, once cramped and dark, has been transformed through a carefully planned extension toward the garden. This expansion not only enhanced the home’s usability but also adhered to local regulations, ensuring harmony with the architectural context. A newly integrated skylight floods the space with natural light, while modest height restrictions dictated by the neighborhood’s historical significance were ingeniously navigated to maintain the home’s proportions. The extended kitchen boasts a spacious central island, ample storage, and a cozy breakfast nook that seamlessly merges practicality with intimacy. Adjacent to the kitchen, a preserved older structure has been repurposed into a pantry and laundry room, further elevating the functionality of the space. The interior design features soft, light-colored cabinetry and reflective countertops, amplifying the natural light and creating a sense of openness. Earthy, neutral tones dominate the styling, imbuing the space with warmth and cohesion, while subtle accents lend a contemporary touch.