The City Circus Hostel is an alternative travelers’ space that welcomes restless voyagers, escape artists and all sorts of persons that love living ‘on the edge’. It’s located in the heart of Athens, in a 4-storey, early 20th century mansion, complete with frescoed ceilings, wrought-iron balconies and baroque tiles. The character of the hostel was designated by the building and its surroundings, as Psirri has always been bustling with all kinds of craftsmen – from shoe to wooden sieve makers – while recently there has been a new wave of artists and designers. This juxtaposition of nostalgia and cutting edge design, sparks intense creative energy and an atmosphere that is uniquely vibrant and often surreal.
Staying true to the nostalgia but also in line with the principles of sustainability, the project reused old materials in the design. Items from all around Europe were added to the collection of vintage furniture and – whenever necessary – local artists made customized furniture and artwork. The 100-year ceiling art of the building was preserved, while school chairs and desks from the 50’s, chandeliers from the 30’s, Danish couches from the 60’s and funky lighting from the 70’s were added. The owners of the hostel are also the designers of the space and that’s what gives it such a personal touch and homey appeal.