The AW14 Collection of Katerina Psoma is defined by vintage and exotic jewelry with a strong historical character and direction. Part of it was inspired by the first women archeologists of the Victorian era, who, like real adventurers, preferred the heat of the desert and all its rough conditions to the luxury and ease of the Grand Tour. Women such as Gertrude Bell, explored the inhospitable lands and people of Near and Middle East and unveiled the treasures of the ancient civilizations. In a similar way, the jewelry feels like little treasures unveiled from the hidden lands of Mesopotamia. Jade and onyx adorn the necklaces while feathers and vintage bronze are used for earrings. Rough agate stones, inlay bronze adornments and trade beads are also used, and small and big bronze insects add up to the feeling of exoticism. The other part of the collection is dedicated to Russian constructivism, its backbones being Tatlin’s geometrical forms and Malevich’s colors. Resin, crystals and acrylic are mixed and bold colors are combined to produce necklaces and bracelets.